Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Dancing Mistress: On the Assembly Line

Warning! It seems longer than it really is. I encourage you to read it (I hope so! It took me a while to type it!!) because it has such a good sense of humor and irony. I can imagine the woman maybe on those walls Alberto used to jump to the roof. Or also inside the bars that are like half a meter high. Or anywhere! I just love the space.
So yeah, read it (cause this afternoon I only read the first speaker's lines) and comment below what do you think about it!

SPEAKER: (offstage voice) Today rhythm and harmony are at the root of production specially in modern firms. As we have seen in Japan for some time, qualified dancing instructors have been called in to train and teach workers on the shop floor.

Enter the dance teacher. The stage is completely empty.

TEACHER: (towards the wings) Come on you three we chose yesterday.

Enter the young women workers, rather hesitantly, and line up downstage beside the teacher. They carry out the movements under her direction.

Come on darlings, please. It’s not good putting you straight on the assembly line if you haven’t learned the twenty-four simple precise movements you have to make, keeping exact time to the music. It’s simple, not tiring; you’ll find it’s elegant even, and enjoyable… But you’ll have to pay close attention! Our motto is ‘Work with joy!’ Let’s imagine that the high conveyor belt passes along at this height, and the lower belt moves at this level. You’ll find the screws spaced out ten centimetres apart on the higher belt; each one of you, with both hands, must pick up two of them and insert them, first one hand then the other, in the holes in this structure on the lower belt. Now let’s try… that’s right, like that, slowly… don’t go too fast… slowly does it… good, well done!

That wasn’t difficult, was it? … One two… one, two… Now listen carefully: you’ll see a kind of metallic cigar moving along on the higher belt, which you must pick up in your teeth… like this… ahmm… watch out it’s coming… ahmm… well done! Now, without stopping what you are doing with your hands, insert the fuse into the hole in the other end of the piece which will come along on your left at that precise moment. There’ll be two more fuses to thread on… ahmm… one threaded… so now with two sharp blows with your forehead you tap home the fuses… ohpp! Ohpp! … start again with the basic movement… one, two… steady does it… you mustn’t get tired… Isn’t it fun? Simplicity itself and great fun! Now, the third movement: using your nostrils on the lower belt… breathe in, come on breathe quickly… go! … Well done. Now you will see some tugs to straighten them out… and then you wrap them around the sprockets on the left-hand engine section. Three turns is all they need. Right, go… one, two, three… that’ll do.

Now you... [I skipped around 7 lines] … be careful to pull back your hands, or else zac… a quick blow… and trac… you’ll cut off your fingers and we’ll have them all over the floor… the boss doesn’t want that! It makes such a mess! Off we go… well done… that’s perfect! Now you stop the rive belt with a sharp blow with the right thigh on the left piston… good… and now two blows with your hip on the right-hand piston like when you do a saucy walk! Another with your left… zam! Bend the knees… pelvis forward… until the tummy touches the rubber sucker on the drill handle… push it… there! Gyrate the pelvis… yes, that’s right, just like the belly dance… great… again! Now pull back the pelvis with a jerk… strike the level just behind with the buttocks (Reacting to the mystified air on the faces of the women.)… yes, I mean stick on your arse, and the cycle comes to an end so a new one can begin. Come on stick it out!! Ohpp!

See how easy it is? And you’ve got the additional advantage of toning up the pectorals and fighting the flab. Goodness knows how many women would pay to be in your position! Right now, off we go again: […]

[I skipped around on page of the book]

They continue with a fanatic rhythm, while the voice from the loud speaker says.

SPEAKER: In the Siemens factory in Milan, the assembly line workers achieve four thousand five hundred movements in a single day, three thousand of which are made with the hips to work the shearing machine pedal. The violent blows to which the pelvis is subjected have caused most of the women to suffer from gynaecological and pelvic disorders; some have had undergo operations which have left them unable to have children.

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